ATUTSF Foundation

Adopt Trees, Uplift Tribal, Save Fauna (ATUTSF) Foundation

 “Be-leaf in yourself and root for others .”

“A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.” — Liberty Hyde Bailey

We as informed, sensible, and helpful citizens need to come up and join our hands to support this cause, to stop hunting of wild animals and birds by Hunter tribal and provide them livelihood by transforming them into agriculturists and entrepreneurs. 

We at ATUTSFF do not just plant a tree but also save lives of wildlife and birds and also teach Hunter tribal farming by allowing them to work on the farm the whole day. 

“Every plant has its requirements to grow and the same is with people.”

Rapid urbanization and even a fast pace of deforestation are adding up to global warming. According to a study heat waves, carbon emissions, water, and air pollution can also be a potential cause of death of hundreds of people. To stop all the pollution we must grow more trees who are the lungs of Mother Earth.

 Why trees? Because planting trees in orchards and forest creates low-skill jobs, provide benefits to current and future generations, reduces the carbon emissions effect in the environment, restores forests, improves wildlife habitats, upgrades water restoring areas, and offer livelihood to the needy.

To fight the effects of such environmental hazards The ATUTSF foundation has started this drive and we seek support from each one of you to come forward and support the cause. Trees are life and we have to give ample life to us and our coming generations and to do something good for them to cheer upon. Presently, the Hunter tribal earn their food and livelihood by hunting the wild animals and birds in the nearby forest. They are doing this as they are not having any land for agriculture and work to carry out on the fields as it is an arid region and due to scarcity of rain not much can be cultivated. We The ATUTSFF will educate these tribal and groom them into agriculturists and entrepreneurs on sustainable use of farmland. Currently, we are providing our trusts farmland. In the future, we take on lease land from forest and or district administration and or through donation and provide them work on these fields. We grow fruit orchards of Custard Apple and Moringa which perform well in this region. In this process, these Hunter tribe gets an earning by which they stop hunting wild animals and birds become farmers, and join the mainstream. 

A donation of just 

1. Rs. 111/- per Moringa/ Drumstick/ Shewga/ Sahajan plant, 

2. Rs. 333/- per Custard Apple/ Sitafal plant will enable us to plant a tree and 

3. Rs. 1000/- for 100 sq ft land as a donation for Purchase of land and in its multiple. It will be purchased in the name of the trust and these tribal will be given their share and livelihood on it. 

4. Any amount you wish to donate which will be used for the other activities for the upliftment of the tribal.

You can donate and Adopt any number of trees you want and we will do it in your name. 

If you donate through our online platform or by any other means, we the people of ATUTSF foundation will provide the fruits of your donated plants and plants on your land and a certificate by the time this project is completed. This project will not only plant a tree but it will do the post-planting care till the time the tree grows to a self-sustainable state and then take the yield of the fruits. In this whole process, a Hunter tribal family transforms themselves from a Hunter tribe to an agriculturist and entrepreneur.  

Q1. Who can donate?

 A1. Everyone! This project needs each and everyone to come up and join hands to make it a success and give our children a beautiful tomorrow.

Q2. Where will this plantation happen?

A2. This plantation will be done in Amravati District, Taluka Nandgaon Khandeshwar adjacent to the forest region where Hunter Tribal families live. This region is mostly populated by Hunter Tribal who survived on hunting wild animals and birds. Further to this project, we are in the planning phase of a Mega Drive in which we will do such symbiotic plantations in major parts of the country.

Q3. How many trees can I plant?

 A3. There is no limit to it, you can plant as many trees as you wish. For a Moringa Plant Rs. 111/- per plant and For Custard Apple plant Rs. 333/- per plant.

Q4. How much land I can donate? 

A4. There is no limit to it, you can donate Rs. 1000/- for 100 sq ft of land and its multiple. 

Q5. How will it benefit us?

A5. You will get a tax exemption certificate u/s 80G of the IT Act, for the amount donated by you in the year. It will benefit not only you but the entire generation now and ahead of us, you will also get a certificate stating the number of Trees planted by you. If you donate more than 5 plants you will get fruits for taste once every year, of the plants donated by you at your doorstep from the day of fruiting till its survival.

 Q6. How do I know that my donation is used in the tree plantation?

 A6. You will receive notification from APUT regarding the details of the Hunter tribals taking care of your plant and location where the tree is planted in your name, also there will be time to time updates on your e-mail and WhatsApp regarding the health of the tree with photos of the plant donated by you. Since we are planting Custard Apple and Moringa trees you will get the fruits of your plants at least once a year. (Those who donated more than 5 plants). You can also visit the farmland whenever you feel like with the coordination of the team members of APUT.

Q7. What is ATUTSF and how does it work?

A7. ATUTSF foundation is on a mission to stop hunting, provide a livelihood to the Hunter tribe, add greenery on Earth, and in the process help support rural livelihoods and create environmental awareness. Our online platform provides the convenience to plant trees from anywhere in the world to the arid region of the Amravati district and our unique GPS and social technologies help planters to track their plantation and also build an emotional connection with their trees.


1. “The best friend on earth of man is the tree. When we use the tree respectfully and economically, we have one of the greatest resources on the earth.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

2. “If I thought I was going to die tomorrow, I should nevertheless plant a tree today.” – Stephen Girard

3. “Trees exhale for us so that we can inhale them to stay alive. Can we ever forget that? Let us love trees with every breath we take until we perish.” – Munia Khan

4. “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” – Nelson Henderson

5. “Until you dig a hole, you plant a tree, you water it and make it survive, you haven’t done a thing. You are just talking.” – Wangari Maathai

6. “We can learn a lot from trees: they’re always grounded but never stop reaching heavenward.” – Everett Manor

7. “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

8. “People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world that will not sustain people.” – Bryce Nelson

9. “Of the infinite variety of fruits which spring from the bosom of the earth, the trees of the wood are the greatest indignity.” – Susan Fenimore Cooper

10. “Trees are the best monuments that a man can erect to his memory. They speak his praises without flattery, and they are blessings to children yet unborn.” – Lord Orrery

11. “It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses we must plant more trees.” – George Eliot


Reasons for planting –

1. As a gift to Mother Nature & Society

2. A birthday tree for ….

3. An Anniversary tree for …

4. To express my love to …

5. In celebration of …

6. In recognition of …

7. In memory of …

8. To welcome…

9. To bring …

10. To apologize to …

11. To wish luck to …

12. To express thanks to …

13. In an attempt to reduce carbon footprint 

14. In an attempt to give livelihood to a tribal family 

15. In an attempt to stop hunting and save wildlife and birds





Q2. What are the steps involved in planting a tree at ATUTSF?


A2. Please follow these simple steps to plant trees online with us: Step 1: Follow the link and click on the ‘Plant Now’ icon on the homepage Step 2: Register yourself by providing your Full name, Communication address, the e-mail I’d and WhatsApp number on our planting page Step 3: Once registered, you may select the name of the plant, number of plants to root or choose a reason for planting and continue to the order summary page for payment procedure. 


Q3. What all login/registration options are available to plant trees online?

A3. You may follow a simple registration process available on our web portal for registration. This will help you with an easy and happy plantation with the ATUTSF foundation.


Q4. Can I choose a display name? Where all it will appear?

A4. Yes, you can choose a display name that will appear on the virtual tree planted by you on the ATUTSF portal. The same would appear on the tag attached to your real tree.


Q5. Can I attach wishes or memories with the planted tree?

A5. Yes, of course. ATUTSF allows you to tag your emotions with the planted trees. You can choose from a long wish list available in plantation step or define your wish. For every wish tree, you will see a red thread wrapped or paper tags attached to your virtual tree!


Q6. At one of the plantation steps, I was prompted to print a certificate. What is it?

A6. As soon as you plant a tree at the ATUTSF portal, you are given the option to print an e-certificate for yourself. This certificate is completely editable, therefore you can customize its content as per your wish. As soon as changes are saved, the certificate is emailed to you. Also, the certificate can be posted on your Facebook wall if you select an option to do so. Tip: If you are gifting a tree to someone, you can customize the certificate accordingly.


Q7. How can I view the growth of my planted trees?

A7. Regarding updates on the growth of trees, we will share an annual update report of the plantation site on your e-mail I’d. The report will have details of the collective health. If any of your trees die before fruiting, ATUTSF will replant your tree from foundation expenses. We do not share individual tree growth updates.


Q8. I just planted a tree on ATUTSF, what happens next?


As soon as you plant a tree on the portal, the following events take place: • You receive an e-certificate via email • A real tree is planted at the location chosen by you and you are confirmed back about the same via an email • Your tree profile page is updated with planted sapling photograph and location map


Q9. I planted a tree a few months back with ATUTSF, could I still spot my tree on the portal?

A9. Yes, you can. You just need to use the same login credentials and click on the “Go to My Orchard” button available on the left-hand side panel. You would be able to see your exclusive forest with saplings planted by you. You’ll be also informed about the tribal who is taking care of your plant(s).


Q10. I contributed to ATUTSF through my company’s fundraising platform, how do I know utilization about my contribution?

As per the policy, for any amount of contribution received from its donors, ATUTSF is committed to notifying them about the plantation of their trees. The notification includes – sharing of plant photos, its location on Google map, and beneficiary details. This process ensures transparency in our operations and also notifies users about the utilization of their funds. This process is even followed wherein due to confidentiality or data privacy reasons, donor details are not shared with us and therefore remain anonymous; we strive to be transparent with those donors as well.

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